There's been a bunch of talk about MLS Expansion, right? Seattle, Portland, St, Louis, Philly, Vancouver, Montreal, New York (Mets with a Second NY franchise), and many many more.
One of the Reasons TheSacUnitedSoccerBlog exists, is because we want an MLS team here. Now, with the expansion, the main issue has been the Soccer Specific Stadium. So here's a look at some of the stadiums that are in the works, hope you enjoy!
One of the Reasons TheSacUnitedSoccerBlog exists, is because we want an MLS team here. Now, with the expansion, the main issue has been the Soccer Specific Stadium. So here's a look at some of the stadiums that are in the works, hope you enjoy!

This is the Future of New York's Soccer World, Red Bull Park (above), newly redesigned to hold 25,000 people. We here at the Blog cannot wait to see this place built, it's so Euro, and so pimp. Road trips are definitely in store to the Big Apple! Look for this stadium in 2009.

Notice a trend in these stadiums with roofs over the fans? But, shouldn't it be "rooves" not "roofs"? Ah well. Cross your fingers for DC, or else they may be taken out to Maryland or something, weak!

Sorry LA Galaxy. We know your stadium is cool too, it's just too bad it's in LA. Bummer bros!
Here's Today's Questions Boys and Girls:
1) If we, Sacramento, were to build a stadium, that as my brother "Ipswich Gangster" likes to say is, "G-ed Up, from the Feet Up," Would we bring an MLS Team to Sacramento?
2) Would People in Sacramento Come out to enough Games to make it worthwhile? Would you come?
3) Which Stadium Design Do You Like? What other features do you want in a Soccer Stadium in Sacramento?
Let us know what you think,
Or, just comment here
in the Comments!
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