Friday, December 7, 2007


Check it out people, we have a second site. Don't worry babies, we will still have plenty going on here. It's just going to be a little side project, where we review some of the things going on in town. Think restaurants, shows, bars, clubs, and occasional circuses. Well, probably not circuses.

It's called EatSacDrinkSac.

It will be very interactive, and we expect feedback from all of you. Go there, recommend some places for review. Trust us you'll like it. No there aren't any naked girls, you creepdogs! But trust us, you should enjoy it.


1 comment:

Son_Of_Sac said...

Sorry guys, for some reason the links in this post weren't working before. It has been corrected. Please check it out, and let me know what you think!
