People are reading, people are searching for us, and we have readers from all over the world.
And what's not to like? We cover the MLS. Sure, we aren't always a hard hitting news force, but we relate a little more to publications like The Onion, and TV shows like The Daily Show and The Soup! We are happy with our goofy stories, and crazy pictures that we hack from all over the web.
Just like this........
Looking good Rosie! This picture is courtesy (which means I stole it) of Awax's Myspace page. And we cover the issues that you care about: Like the MLS, David Beckham, The San Jose EarthQuakes, and I Love New York! We are here for your information and entertainment!
Next Season: We will be taking everybody out to EarthQuakes Games, and drinking pints while singing new songs at losers like Landy Cakes Donovan....wanker! (sorry, we are American, but we love using those British words on occasion).Now: We are going to make it easier on you. With every new story, we will send you out a link to the story in a new emailed newsletter. It will contain a clip of the story, and any information you need to know about. You have to get on this list. And don't worry, it will all be appropriate, but make sure and leave an email you check regularly, so that you don't miss any of the action!!
Here's What We Need From You:(those of you in the South, read slowly, sorry, it's for your own good).
Your Name: Whatever you want to go by, Papa Smurf, SacMagPie, Awax, GamerDavucci, or even just someone like Danny Jardin, or Charlie Trampetti. It doesn't matter because you decide what you go by here...
Your Favorite Team/Teams: You like the LA Galaxy, sure you are a loser, but stand by your team, tell us who you like. We won't judge. Well, we will judge, but don't worry, we mean well.
You gotta Rep yo City: Just like Petey Pablo... I know you have no idea who that is, but we are hip with the rap game, yo. Looks like K-Fed started young...
Do it. Cmon, just do it. And send all those things to SacUnitedSoccerBlog@yahoo.com
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