And we here at the blog, just might post your thoughts here, and respond.
That's what's up, so, now on to the FIVE HUGE EMAILS!! The Blog will respond after each email in Italics and Bold!

Do you feel LUCKY?
"What's up. Came upon your MySpace group and just had to join. I'm a football junkie and have been looking for some new people to hang with and watch some matches from time to time...So that's it...let's get this thing up and running. I'd love to get a group together for match days/pub crawls."
Justin I think you get it. Football/Soccer is the best sport, and the best way to have a good time with fans. So, get all the guys you know that want to join us, and we can begin the SacUnitedSoccerBlog's fan club, SacUnitedQuakeFans! Get them on the Blog, reading, making myspace friends. We will do pub crawls, and hit the games in huge singing groups. And, we noticed on your "Sworn Enemy List" you posted Landon Donovan. Lol. That will endear to the true, old school San Jose EarthQuakes Fans! WELCOME!!
2) Kennbomb from Sacramento wrote to us, saying,
"I agree with everything you got going on here at the blog, but you should have more pictures of Jessica Alba. Just a thought. OUT!"
Kennbomb! Love the nickname. I wonder if you are just a young high school kid who loves soccer, or like an accountant, with a funny (if slightly immature) nickname that keeps you young. Either way, welcome to the blog. Glad to have you.
As far as the Jessica Alba pictures. We found a good one. All you have to do is click her name. And don't worry it's nothing graphic, so if it's a work computer, or your parents', you can still safely click. All you have to do is click the blue link. Here it is again. 

3) The Night before The US vs. Switzerland Friendly, some British Guy wrote to us, from a place we like to call, The Land of Crooked Teeth, and good Football. He said this,
"Who cares about the U.S friendly the big one is England vs Russia in moscow. Come on my old roommate you should know this mate"
For the record, the England Game was huge. It's a shame they couldn't secure Euro 2008 when playing the Russians. While they might laugh at our "Soccer", we are still closer allies to the Brits than the old Commies in Russia! Oh, and my "old roommate doesn't look like Austin Powers. Haha.
4) Ohh, this one is a touchy subject. One of our Readers (an ajax fan) doesn't appreciate the Blog Face, with the kid flipping off the opposing team.

He writes, "As an Ajax fan I find your blog photo totally insulting! Glad to see the blog though. I live in the Sacramento area and believe professional soccer could do well here. The Sacramento Knights just don't cut it."
Dear Ajax Fan, I didn't fully understand why you were upset as an Ajax Fan, until I did some research into knowing too much of the Ajax/Feyenoord Rivalry. After reading up on these things, I understand why it could be so offensive.
We chose the Picture, because it reminds us of the Passion of Soccer Fans, and represents MLS fans, as a new, young breed of Soccer Fans. While we will take this very seriously, you can rest assured that we mean no racism, hatred, or violence towards Ajax, or any other football clubs or fans.
You are right though, about the Knights, while it is good, the MLS belongs in Sacramento, at some point. And we need to UNITE to make this happen!!
Thank you for continuing to support TheSacramentoUnitedSoccerBlog.
So, we here at the Blog, read everything on the MLS. We read ESPN, we read, Sports Illustrated, we read, begrudgingly, the posts on
BigSoccer, but our Favorite Column by far is from our Friend over at Yahoo Sports, Martin Rogers. He has written on the growth of the MLS, new Designated players, the inner workings of the League, and it's potential for Expansion. Basically Mr. Rogers is who we here at the Blog want to be, when we grow up.

He wrote (that's right to Us), "Cheers for your feedback, much appreciated. I had a look at your blog, good stuff, very entertaining. Hilarious pic of the little kid as well! All the best,Martin Rogers Yahoo Sports"
Thank you Martin, we will continue to read your stories too.
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What a prophetic poll you've posted. Now if someone would kindly find me Hope Solo, I've got some making out to get to!
Hope solo is so hot.
Hope solo is so hot i would love to make out with that ass
Nobody has love for Greg Ryan huh? Interesting...
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