Welcome to TheSacramentoUnitedSoccerBlog boys and girls. Contrary to popular opinion, we will not be handing out Capri Suns and Orange Slices at Half Time.
This is your destination for all things soccer in Northern California. That's right, this is where you will find information, interesting stories, and important links to the Soccer world right in your backyard.
Along the way, you will be graced with current information on the State of the MLS.

Each week, you will get TheSacramentoUnitedSoccerBlog's take on the MLS games shown on ESPN2 and Fox Soccer Channel. There you might find interesting stories about the teams headed to the playoffs, the teams not heading to the playoffs, and continual updates on breaking situations around the league. You can also expect Expansion Coverage. Who are the cities most likely to get a team? What moves are their respective towns making to lead Don Garber's horse and carriage their way?

Also, this will be your forum to blast off. By emailing us at SacUnitedSoccerBlog@yahoo.com you will have the opportunity to agree/dissagree with our esteemed soccer writer (who we just pulled out of the gutter a few blocks from the Streets of London Pub downtown) and all his ideas on these things.

Every so often, we will consider these thoughts in the Shootout Section of the Site, where you blast off (on email or comments) and he'll do his best to make the save.
Just send your thoughts to
Make sure to include your name, the town you are from, and the Soccer Clubs you support.

One last thing, this will be a great forum to announce your allegiance to The Returning 2008 San Jose Earthquakes, local indoor team, the California Cougars (who we may cover from time to time), and Sacramento United Soccer! Please let us know you are reading, and send in your information if you want to join us as We Support the Quakes this upcoming season. In the words of Sacramento band Cake, "we are building a religion".
And Welcome to the beginning of our journey with you at TheSacramentoUnitedSoccerBlog!
Disclaimer: This blog is in no relation to or connection to the youth soccer club Sac United. All opionions expressed here are merely those of us at SacUnitedSoccer.blog.com. But in honoring their fine taste, we are embarking on a much larger journey with a similar and noteworthy name.
Please send all questions or comments regarding anything to
SacUnitedSoccerBlog@yahoo.com or just post comments here on the site.
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